1. "Tang, XY ; Tu, WX ; Li, KQ " DFFNet: An IoT-perceptive dual feature fusion network for general real-time semantic segmentation INFORMATION SCIENCES 2021,565:326-343 ,SCI一区,Ⅰ类,2021-2022影响因子8.233
2. "Tang, XY; Zheng, QD ; Sheng, VS (Sheng, Victor S.) ; " A DDoS Attack Situation Assessment Method via Optimized Cloud Model Based on Influence Function COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 2019,60(3):263-1281 SCI一区,Ⅰ类,2019-2020影响因子:4.89
3. "Xiangyan Tang , Liang Wang2,*, " "Forecasting model based on information-granulated GA-SVR and ARIMA for producer price index" COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 2019,58(2):463–491 ,SCI一区,Ⅰ类, 2019-2020影响因子:4.89
4. "Yan, Bingjie; Tang, Xiangyan* ; Wang, Jun; Zhou, Yize; Zheng, Guopeng ; Zou, Qi ; Lu, Yao;Liu, Boyi; Tu, Wenxuan ; Xiong, Neal".An Improved Method for the Fitting and Prediction of the Number of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Based on LSTM.CMC.2020,卷64期3页1473-1490.Ⅱ类,SCI二区.2019-2020影响因子:3.772.通讯作者
5. "Tang, XY ; Feng, DF (Feng, Dengfang) [2] ; Li, KQ (Li, KeQiu) [1] ; Liu, JX (Liu, Jingxin) [2] ; Song, JY (Song, Jinyang) [3] ; Sheng, VS (Sheng, Victor S.) [4]" " An Improved BPNN Prediction Method Based on Multi-Strategy Sparrow Search Algorithm" CMC.2023,74(2):2789-2802. SCI三区,Ⅲ类,2022-2023影响因子:3.1
6. Tang, XY ; Chen, MZ; A Security Situation Assessment Method Based on Neural Network LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2019,11983:579-587 ,Ⅳ类,SCI四区
7. "Tang, XY ; Zhang, YY (Zhang, Yiyang),DDOS Multivariate Information Fusion Model Based on Hierarchical Representation Learning LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2019,11983:57-66 ,Ⅳ类,SCI四区
8. Tang, XY ; Cao, R (Cao, Rui) [1] ; "DDoS Attack Detection Method Based on V-Support Vector Machine ,LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2019,卷11983页42-56 ,Ⅳ类,SCI四区
9. "Tang, Xiangyan; Zhou, Ke[1, 2]; " The Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts: A Survey Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 1424, Pages 177-190, 2021. EI
10. "Tang, Xiangyan[1, 2]; Hu, Guangjing[1, 2]; Yuan, Yuming[3]; Li, Hui[3]; Zhang, Yuan[1, 2]; Li, Yifan[1]; Li, Mengyang[1, 2]; "Survey: Research on Blockchain Consensus Mechanism in IoT Security Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 1424, Pages 573-584, 2021. EI
11. "Tang, Xiangyan[1, 2]; Guo, Hao[1, 2]; Li, Hui[3]; Yuan, Yuming[3]; Wang, Jianghao[1, 2]; " A DAPP Business Data Storage Model Based on Blockchain and IPFS Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume 12737 LNCS, Pages 219-230, 2021. EI
12. 张晨,唐湘滟*.基于多核学习的自适应DDoS攻击检测方法.计算机工程与科学.2019年第8期1381-1389.共9页.CSCD.北大核心.通信作者
13. 李梦洋,唐湘滟*.基于组合相关度的随机森林DDoS攻击检测方法.郑州大学学报:理学版 2019年第2期23-28,39,共7页.北大核心.通信作者