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李德顺 的个人主页
  • 李德顺 博士 / 副教授 / 博士生导师
  1. 学  院:英国上市公司官网365
  2. 学历职称:博士,副教授
  3. 导师类型:博/硕士生导师
  4. 联系方式: lideshun@hainanu.edu.cn
个人简介 科研项目 发表论文 获奖情况 专利情况

[1]Lili Zhang, Xi Liao, Zaijia Yang, Baihang Gao, Chunjie Wang, Qiuling Yang, and Deshun Li*. Partiality and Misconception: Investigating Cultural Representativeness in Text-to-Image Models. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 620, 1–252024.  

[2]Jiale Zhao, Chaoshuo Deng, Huanhuan Yu, Hansheng Fei, Deshun Li*,Path planning of unmanned vehicles based on adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm,Computer Communications,Volume 216, 2024, pp.112-129

[3]Y. Shi, Q. Yang, X. Huang, D. Li and X. Huang*, "An SDN-Enabled Framework for a Load-Balanced and QoS-Aware Internet of Underwater Things," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.10, no.9, pp.7824-7834, 2023.

[4]D. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Wei, J. Yao, Y. Tan et al., "Generation of low-delay and high-stability multicast tree," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol.76, no.1, pp.561–572, 2023.

[5] J. Yao, K. Zou, Z. Jiang, S. Weng, D. Li*,et al.,Memory-Occupied Routing Algorithms for Quantum Relay Networks.Computers, Materials & Continua,vol.75, no.3,pp.5929-5946, 2023.

[6] R. Zhu, Q. Jiang, X. Huang, D. Li* and Q. Yang. A Reinforcement-Learning-Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Energy-Efficient and Void-Avoided UASNs[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.22, no.13, pp.13589-13601,2022.

[7] Dong, W., Yang, Q., Huang, X., Chen, Y., Sun, S., and D. Li*. A MAC Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks Using Parallel Transmission Variable Time Slots[J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2022, 38(2): 449-457.

[8] J. Yao, K. Zou, D. Li* and Z. Jiang, Optimal deployment design of repeaters and memories in quantum networks[C], 2021 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Computing & Communication (IEEE HPCC), 2021:361-368

[9] Deshun LiHeng QiYanming Shen*Keqiu Li. DPCell: Constructing Novel Architectures of Data Center Networks on Dual-Port Servers[J]IEEE Network, vol. 35, no.4, pp.206-212, 2021.

[10] Deshun Li Yanming Shen* Keqiu Li. Length Shuffle: Achieving Flexibility and High Performance for Data Center Networks Design[J]Computer Communications2017111:142-152.

[11] Deshun Li* Yanming ShenKeqiu Li. FleCube: A Flexibly-connected Architecture of Data Center Networks on Multi-port Servers[J]Computer Communications201677: 62-71.

[12] Deshun Li* Yanming Shen. ComCell: Exploring Flexible and Symmetrical Architecture for Data Center Networks[C]IEEE 17th International Conference High Performance Switching and Routing (IEEE HPSR)2016:8-13.

[13] 霍林, 李德顺* 谭颖璐. 基于节点稳定概率和链路贡献度的应用层组播树生成算法[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 201249(12):2559-2567.

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